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Rupa Dharmasiri
Rupa is a partner in the audit division at LBW & Partners. He is a registered company auditor, a member of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public accountants.
Rupa has over twenty years of public accounting experience, including six years spent in Kingston, Jamaica and seven years in Nassau, the Bahamas, working with two internationally renowned accounting practices.
Rupa joined LBW in January 2002. During this period he has developed considerable expertise in financial service industries (including AFSL licensees), international banking industry, insurance, offshore investment companies, banks, and not for profit organisations.
LBW & Partners' audit division specialises in Not for Profit Organisations, covering Charities, Aged Care, Industry Associations and Peak Industry Bodies.
Rupa is married, has two children and his other interests include travel and cricket.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.